We are trying something new here at the Bear House. First, the background why – Little Bear goes to a school that is peanut aware, there is a little boy in her class that is allergic to many things. Little Bear & Papa Bear LOVE peanut butter sandwiches, so, being unable to take a PB & J sandwiches for lunch is a big deal here. We tried nutella, but Little Bear didn’t like it on the whole grain bread I bought. We tried cheese whiz, but she tired of that very quickly. So after a few weeks of un-eaten lunches, and a hungry Little Bear, I came up with a solution.
Yep, muffins. I have a great cookbook with a really easy basic muffin recipe. I came up with the idea of seeing how many different varieties of muffins we could come up with and make a different one each week. The idea being that the muffins would replace sandwiches in both Little Bear & Papa Bears lunches. Plus it is a great family activity for a Sunday afternoon. Now each week I will be sharing our Muffin of the week, with our new Mondays Muffin post. (I know it is Tuesday) This week our Monday Muffin is: Oatmeal Cranberry

I used the muffin recipe and modified it for oatmeal muffins, then added 1 cup of dried cranberries. Simple as that. After a taste test we decided that they needed something more, so next time I am going to add some finely grated Orange or Lemon peel. Over all Mondays Muffin was a big hit with the adult crowd, not so much with the elementary aged one, Little Bear brought home her protest.
Stay tuned for next weeks Muffin!