Papa Bear doesn't have and Sunday responsibilities, so he gets to attend all the meetings. He does have a weekday calling with the 11 year old scouts. He is in charge of planning activities and help the boys earn badges. I am the 2nd councillor in the Primary Presidency so I am usually quite busy during the meetings. In January it was my responsibility to check on all the classes to make sure they have teachers, and if the didn't I had to find them one! I also get to patrol the hallways, to make sure the kids are in the classrooms, and to be available if a teacher needs an extra hand. I don't mine being the hall monitor, next moth however I will be in charge of Sharing time! Talk about nerve wracking. Baby Bear enjoys her Primary class, which is the smallest class in our Primary, having just 5 children in it.
We really enjoy our ward, and enjoy all the friends we have made here. We enjoy serving to the best of our abilities, and enjoy the challenges our callings bring. We don't always enjoy the challenging part in the moment, but we know it will help us be better people. Eventually. We hope you enjoyed your Sunday too!
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