Very Berry Muffins:
29 March, 2010
Monday's Muffin
Very Berry Muffins:
27 March, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
This weekend Papa Bear & I, will celebrate our 12th anniversary. From humble beginnings and rocky roads, from mountainous trials to incomparable joys.
22 March, 2010
Monday's Muffin
16 March, 2010
Mondays' Muffin
10 March, 2010
White Dress 2 of 3

Little Bear got great support from Papa Bear's family, all of her cousins from that side of the family were able to attend. After we went out for ice cream, and I didn't get any pictures of that, but we sure had a great time.
08 March, 2010
Monday's Muffin
01 March, 2010
Monday's Muffin
This week’s Muffin is: Blueberry Lemon. I again started with the basic muffin recipe and added my own touches to it. I generally don’t use whole wheat flour when I bake, but I am starting to introduce it slowly. One of the reasons we came up with the muffin idea was to have a healthier option for lunch. Over time I will be experimenting with larger portions of whole wheat flour, and I would like to try other flour varieties too. At the suggestion of someone, I am including the recipe for our Monday Muffin this week.

1 ¾ cup – unbleached all purpose flour
¾ cup – whole wheat flour
2/3 cup – Sugar
4 tsp - baking powder
½ tsp – salt
2 beaten eggs
1 ½ cups - milk
½ cup – cooking oil (I use a canola olive oil blend)
2 cups - frozen blueberries
1 lemon, which I grated off the rind
*Mix all dry ingredients on one bowl, include the lemon rind.
*Mix all wet ingredients in another bowl, except the berries.
*Add the wet to the dry all at once and mix about 10 times, add the blueberries and continue to mix until just combined.
*I use a cooking spray to grease my muffin tins, but you could line them with baking cups.
*This will make 24 muffins. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, I have an old stove so this works for mine, keep an eye on the muffins during the last 5 minutes of cooking time, the tops will not brown, so use a toothpick to check the centers