30 April, 2010

Oh! My! Lawn!

When we moved into our little house last year, we were faced with 18 inch grass around the house and, where the large garden spot used to be, we had 3 foot+ wild grass, weeds and burdock. Last summer our only focus was getting the grass by the house mowed enough to allow Little Bear to play. This year, we turned our focus to what used to be a giant garden. What a project it has turned out to be, below is what it looked like once the snow had melted in March. First is the west end, then the east end.

First job was to cut down and burn all the burdock, in hopes that there would be less of it come the summer. Then I raked the west end of the garden, piled it up, and burned that pile. Picture below.

Next, I raked the middle part and burned the weeds there. This portion went really quickly, it had be cultivated last year with the intent to garden there, but that did not pan out. While working on the middle section, Papa Bear was rescuing trees. We found 20 evergreen trees in the east end of the garden spot, and we transplanted them into 2 rows, with good spacing to give them room to grow. So far all the trees are still alive.

Last weekend, I raked the east end, and then we burned the thick wild grass. Aside from the burned out spots it is looking really great! This past Tuesday I spent 3 hours outside mowing everything I could get with the little push mower, and below is what our yard looked like on Tuesday. (Now, it is all covered in snow again.) Pictures got from west to east.

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